Friday, 7 June 2013


No matter how hard I try, I can't help being ridiculously superstitious. Don't cross me on the stairs, put new shoes on the table or stir the pots cooking on the hob with a knife. Logically, of course, I know this makes no difference at all to my day, the world is not about to implode - but what if it was, I might as well avoid it.

My most recent nightmare is a family of magpies which live near the stables. On my drive over to see Fletch, I often see one magpie going about his daily business. I am all a frenzy searching out the other little bugger so I can safely ride that day - you know, one for sorrow, two for joy and all that. It's just a magpie, it's just a magpie I repeat to myself and then heave a sigh of relief when I see another one. I am then safe in the knowledge that there will only be joy.

Happy Friday!


  1. I'm riddled with superstitions.

    Our new car doesn't have a volume control visible numerically. How do I know it's on an even number? I don't! We're travelling in silence until I can convince myself it feels like an even number at which point NO ONE touches the control! Ever!

    1. I have since found out that if I blink 3 times, turn in a circle, whistle, say good morning mr magpie, salute and spit - life will be all ok again. Nutters, the lots of us!

      You needed to get a protractor on that volume control, divide and number. Silence is not an option!

  2. This could have been written by me! I hate seeing lone magpies - there's one that must live near me. I see him all the time. Feels like I'm constantly saluting him!

    1. The problem is for me that the saluting doesn't work - you see a lone magpie and it's tough sh*t! I have to accept the sorrow which ensues ;-)
